
my name is Savana. 

some call me strange, insane, or just plain weird.  that all may be true, but I’m certain about a few things. 

I’m a small-town, ADD-filled, crazy musician who is on fire for Jesus.  I have a love for singing and playing the piano, and have recently developed a passion for missions.  after graduation, I plan on attending Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois to major in their music program.  I love to journal, write slam poetry, and compose music.  my goal in blogging is to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

as I start my writing adventure, I pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ that read my posts.  I pray that this encourages and grows you in Christ.  and for the non-believers who read my blogs, puzzled at me while mumbling “man, she’s really crazy!”, I also pray that you grow to realize that I have something that you don’t; something that you start to long for.  because that “something” is Jesus Christ.  he lives in me, and I am born again.

welcome to my crazy life.